Buy one, get one free!
Where: Stop by the optical shop at our Penndel-Bucks County office
When: NOW through April 30, 2022
What: Buy one complete pair of eyeglasses (frame + prescription lenses), get a 2nd frame free* Prescription sunglasses are included in this promotion!
* Free frame must be of equal or lesser value than purchased frame. Must purchase prescription lenses for free frames. Second pair must be for the same prescription. No other promotions or discounts apply, including Vision Plans. Promotion expires April 30, 2022. Must have a valid corrective vision prescription dated within the last 24 months.
Looking for additional tips and tricks as you select your new glasses? Some tips to keep top of mind as you make your selections…
Consider your prescription
Is your prescription strong or weak? If it’s a strong prescription, meaning you will need thicker lenses, steer away from thin or wire frames that won’t handle your prescription as well. Instead, focus on thicker frames to pair well with your lenses. There is a wide range of options for thicker and thinner frames, so our team can determine the frame thickness that is best for you.
Lifestyle – What do you need?
Take a moment to think about your everyday life. Do you participate in outdoor activities like hiking or biking? Do you prefer to match your glasses to your wardrobe for work? Making decisions based on your lifestyle will ensure that you have glasses and frames that fit with your priorities. Be sure to share with your eyeglass consultant what is important to you and how you’d like your glasses to fit into your life. With our buy one, get one sale you also have the flexibility to choose glasses or frames that fit into many aspects of your life!
Be open-minded
If you’ve worn glasses for most of your life – or if this is your first time! – it can be tempting to stick within your comfort zone. Our experts encourage you to try on different glasses and frames, even those that you may not initially gravitate towards. By trying different styles, shapes, and colors, you can get an idea of what you truly like and then make decisions from there. If you go into a consultation with one specific style in mind, you may miss out on something that you like even more.
Our eye health experts are excited to share this offering with you as an expression of our appreciation – we are grateful to have the opportunity to serve your communities! We look forward to helping you choose the glasses and frames that are best for you, in support of your eye health and personal style.