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Pterygium Treatments for Lasting Comfort

Do you have a persistent, irritating growth on your eye? If so, we can help. At ReFocus Eye Health, we specialize in pterygium solutions. Our team offers advanced treatments, including targeted surgeries, to ensure effective removal and prevent recurrence.

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What is The Pink Growth on Your Eye?

A pterygium, also known as “surfer’s eye,” is a fleshy, pink, triangular-shaped growth that develops on the conjunctiva, the clear, thin membrane that covers the white part of your eye. It usually starts near the inner corner of the eye, closest to the nose, and extends towards the cornea.

A pterygium usually does not cause pain or discomfort in its early stages. However, as it grows larger, it can affect your vision, causing:

  • Blurred vision
  • Astigmatism
  • Double vision
  • Dryness and irritation
  • Excessive tearing
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Corneal scarring (in severe cases)

Causes and Risk Factors

The exact cause of pterygium is still unknown, but several factors are suspected to contribute to its development:

arrow-circle-right-3 arrow-circle-right-3-light Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation

This is considered the primary risk factor for pterygium. Chronic exposure to UV radiation, especially from sunlight, damages the cells in the conjunctiva.

arrow-circle-right-3 arrow-circle-right-3-light Dry Eye Syndrome

People with dry eyes are more susceptible to pterygium because the dry conjunctiva is more easily irritated and damaged.

arrow-circle-right-3 arrow-circle-right-3-light Wind and Dust

Exposure to wind and dust can irritate the conjunctiva and stimulate the growth of the pterygium. This is why it’s more common in people who work outdoors or live in dry, dusty environments.

arrow-circle-right-3 arrow-circle-right-3-light Genetics

ome studies suggest that there may be a genetic predisposition to pterygium.

arrow-circle-right-3 arrow-circle-right-3-light Other Factors

Other factors that may contribute to pterygium include older age, gender (specifically males), certain medications, and chronic eye infections.

Pterygium Surgery in North Wales

Pterygiums may not always require treatment. However, if it’s causing discomfort, affecting your vision, or growing more prominent, several treatment options are available:

  1. Observation
    In many cases, especially when the pterygium is small and not causing symptoms, our team may recommend watchful waiting. This involves regular monitoring of the pterygium to track any changes and intervene only if necessary.
  2. Steroid Eye Drops
    For pterygiums causing inflammation, steroid eye drops can help reduce swelling and slow growth.
  3. Pterygium Surgery
    Surgery may be necessary when other treatments aren’t effective or the pterygium is significantly impacting vision. There are two main types of pterygium surgery:
    • Excision: This procedure involves removing the pterygium itself. This is the traditional method and has a high success rate, but there is a risk of the pterygium growing back.
    • Conjunctival autograft: This procedure removes the pterygium but then covers the exposed area with a patch of healthy tissue from the eye, reducing the risk of recurrence.

Choosing the best treatment for your pterygium depends on several factors, including the size and location of the growth, the severity of your symptoms, and your individual preferences.

Trust ReFocus Eye Health for guidance on treating and preventing the recurrence of pterygiums.

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